Welding Inspections Practically Perfect!

Welding Inspections

The fabrication shop for screw piles, spliced piles, shoed piles, and bucket piles is in full swing, completing project material demands, while meeting or exceeding customer requirements and specifications.

At present, the fabrication shop is making about one thousand piles per month.  Of note is the minimal re-work required and the low percentage of defects found due to welds not compliant with the standards, codes, or customer specifications.  The probability of finding a defect has decreased to less than 1% of the total welds performed by the shop.  This is a direct reflection of the welders reviewing their work prior to releasing the units for final inspection—by both in house (Visual Inspections) and third party inspections (MPI or UT).

Congratulations to the welders for this achievement and for doing an excellent job, especially considering their volume of work. — NICK COWARD, Technical Services Representative

    +61 7-3263-4611