Deer Park Ammonia Storage Facility Project


DFI opened our Houston office with Yung Phang leading the way this past February, expanding our United States presence to two branches.

Check out our “Houston, No Problem,” Meet Yung. blog for more on this.

Since then our Lone Star State team has been focused on executing deep foundation projects for a wide variety of projects…

We’re proud to showcase one of our most recent piling ventures for an ammonia storage facility in Deer Park in this What’s Going Down blog post. Thank you to our client for allowing us to document this project.

“From a piling perspective, what made this job impressive was our extremely quick turnaround and ability to deliver given extremely complex soil conditions.” – Yung Phang

From concept to cap, it took us just three weeks. Expertly designed the client recognized the speed of going with a helical foundation and leveraged our DFI engineers, manufacturing capabilities and install crews to get the job done. Our proprietary RGZ cranes allowed us to reach more than one pile location without having to move, which translated to increased installation efficiency.

DFI brought our A-game when it came to navigating the reclamation ground site. We successfully installed over 150 piles despite the challenges that arose from dealing with unnatural earth.

Congrats to our entire Texas team on a job well done! We are DFI. Your one-stop steel piling source.

    +61 7-3263-4611