Municipal, Commercial & Industrial Construction
With over 30 years in the piling industry, DFI has a wealth of experience delivering foundation systems for municipal, industrial and commercial construction. Driven, helical, sheet. Design, supply, install. Concept to cap, start to finish, expect a one-stop-shop solution for your project, big or small.

Think bridges, institutions, highway signs, street light bases, school portables, and more…

Think office towers, shopping centres, warehouses, and more…

Think loading yards, storage facilities, temporary & permanent housing, slab foundations, and more…
Our Standards: Quality, Health, Safety & Environment (QHSE)
Quality – DFI’s quality management system (QMS) is modelled in compliance with the International Standards Organization’s ISO 9001 standard. From concept to cap, DFI’s QMS ensures that the Standards Australia AS 2159 compliant foundations are adhered to from start to finish.
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) – DFI’s integrated HSE system is modelled in compliance with the International Standards Organization’s ISO 45001, the new Occupational Health & Safety standard, and the ISO 14001, the Environmental Management standard.
From greenfield to brownfield environments, DFI’s comprehensive HSE policy ensures that we operate under DFI Safe Operating Procedures and Safe Work Method Statements in order to deliver foundation systems safely and efficiently.
Our Qualifications
DFI is proud to be QBCC licensed (license number 15176384). The QBCC is a statutory body that is part of the portfolio of the Minister for Public Works. It was established under the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 (QBCC Act) to regulate the building industry.